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Denists costs ?

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Blyss | 18:10 Mon 10th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
My son who is 18 yrs of age , has got really bad toothache , so bad he was sent to the hospital by his boss at work today.
Thing is hes not registered with a denists and he only makes �100 per week . I am wondering if any ABers know the cost of a tooth excration, I am willing {thru gritted teeth} to pay for half of it , but as hes 18 I do feel he should stand on his own 2 feet with this and pay up himself , I mean if he can spend all his wages on lager at the weekend to dull the pain , he should quit this weekend and pay to get it out ?? right??
Sorry Im rambling on .lol
Im just wondering if anyone knows the average price for an excration.
thanks in advance.


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Hi Blyss, some dentists will take a deposit and then you can pay monthly for the rest of the treatment.

I dont think just having a toothout is a huge amount of money, so you'll probably pay that there and then.

on a similar sort of subject over money and parents. When I was young, same age as your boy, I was a bit naughty and ran up a visa bill. After the lecture, my mother paid off the bill and I had to set up a standing order, worked out to the penny of what the interest was on the bank account she gave me the money from. Cheaper than the visa interest but still paying interest to my mum....

Did teach me.......

Think its about �40-�60
If you go to an NHS dentist, the cost would be �42.50 under the new pricing scheme the government has brought in
I thought dental charges did'nt apply to under 21 year olds?

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Denists costs ?

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