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organ donation

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jules1968 | 14:10 Sat 08th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
following a previous thread on news, i'm curious as to how many people carry an organ donor card. Is there anyone who absolutely wouldn't donate their organs after their death and if not, why not? Thanks


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Absolutely I am an organ donor. I can't imagine a person not being one. That is completely obsurd and selfish 100%. In America you just sign the back of your license or ID card, which states you are an organ donor.

Hi jules & all - further to my first post - even though my husband & both daughters carry donor cards, I have always been terrified or not being 'really' dead & someone taking out my organs for donation!

I know you are tested for being brain dead, etc., & I do imagine some of you will probably laugh at my sentiments, but that is a genuine fear of mine.

However, since talking to my family & after reading some of the posts on here, I have now decided to apply for a donor card.

P.S. My only hope is that my organs don't go to the likes of George Best who abused his body even after a liver transplant, murderers, rapists, or any other undesirables - that is my wish!
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smudge, how wonderful!!!! I am very proud of your brave decision. I think you have to consider how you would feel if you or one of your loved ones needed a transplant. I used to be really funny about my eyes being taken cause i have a bit of a phobia about things to do with eyeballs but i'm ok with it now. I'm not gonna need em am i? I went onto the organ donation website and registered on there cause i think thats easier and clearer than carying a card. just that simple 5 minute action will save a few peoples lives, hopefully! Well done again on your re-think, i know its not easy if you have a fear like that .

Thank you for your encouragement jules.

I watch all the goriest medical programmes & operations on the Discovery Channels, but as soon as anything to do with the eyes appear, I'm off!!!!

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i used to work with the physically and mentally handicapped and we had a bilind lady who had big bulging white eyes. When she got angry, one looked like it would pop!!!! We were told she had 2 options. One to take the eye out and the other to have a glass eye. I said i couldn't bear the thought of an eye socket stitched up so i said she should have a glass one. That was until they told me i would have to take it out and polish it!!! YUK!!!!!

Oh my gawd jules - I've just read that out to my Granddaughter (16) who's sitting nearby & like me, also has a thing about eyeballs!

Having said that, she is going to apply for a donor card too!

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