I've been off for a few weeks so this is first Inquisitor for a while so finding the end-game a bit of a struggle. I have the 36-letter observation and I think I know the 3-word phrase - something involving a voracious insect ? - but am struggling with some of the thematic entries and the connections between them. The ones I don't have are "Scotsman's bearing", "Part closely examined", "Poind formerly", and "Bard's brisk". Any pointers would be mucn appreciated. Thanks.
Hi Gregsdad
I changed bearing to beating and a Scots word for this is LALDY which seems to fit as the first pink down entry in the second row.
For Bard's brisk I thought it might be "brink" -Shakespearean MARGE which seems to fit as a down clue in the 4th row. I only started this yesterday so am nowhere near finished and could be wrong!!
I too am stuck on the others you mention - and also need help with 31A, 42A and 15D.
I finished this, but no longer have the crossword. If you reminded me of the clues for 31, 42 and 15, I should be able to help. The thematic entries were quite clever - I think I'm right in saying that the pairs are made up of entries close to each other.