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Goodlife ?

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mikey4444 | 08:53 Fri 10th Oct 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
18 Answers
Where has Goodlife gone to ?


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He hasn't gone anywhere. He was here yesterday.
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Thanks Naomi...I rarely look in the religious section any more, as its much more fun in News !
Missing them already ?
Mikey, We've had some really good discussions here in the past, but a lot of the people who used to liven the place up aren't around any more. I spend more time in News now too.
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I too started my AB life in Religion !
I started mine in 'Latest posts'. Not progressed very far from there even now.
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Nonsense are one of our favourite posters on here...always reasonable and reasoned !
What do you mean by Goodlife? Every person living their life but Good life depends on us.
his last post seems to have been all of 10 minutes ago. Use the search panel above.

davidharper, try this link, it may explain
Welcome to AB, looks as if you will be a valid contributor
Well thanks for the compliment. I always reckon folk probably take one look, think, "Oh my gawd, there he goes again", and pass over to the next :-)
Where's Waldo? :o(
I wouldn't be surprised if goodlife was just a bit of software randomly spouting JW text.

The reason I say that is that your mention of the name seems to have re-activated it.

-- answer removed --
He'd fail the test birdie, on the grounds that the 'answers' didn't have any relevance to the questions, and were in fact just more random spouting of copied text.
It's a form of Kraftwerk - 'wir sind die roboten' ;-)
//I wouldn't be surprised if goodlife was just a bit of software randomly spouting JW text. //

Gah! I was working towards making this very point. After 'Is Satan Real?' fizzled out, I was going to start an 'Is Goodlife Real?' thread. :)

(Clumsy typing nearly made that 'Gooflife'! My fingers are the wrong size for my phone's keypad*)

* Styled after Haigh Hurtenflurst: "His feet are the wrong size for his shoes"

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