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crapmemory | 21:06 Mon 27th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I am having a clear out and have amassed quite a few pre-recorded videos. Does anyone know if they would be of use anywhere? TIA


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This question has come up several times before and, to the best of my knowledge, nobody has found a solution. Most charity shops no longer accept VHS tapes (although a few will accept 'special interest' tapes, such as non-fiction tapes about railways, canals, etc or foreign language films). You could try giving them away on Freecycle or Freegle, to see if anyone is interested. (I've still got a VHS recorder and I keep an eye out for things like Ealing Comedies and foreign language films):
I sympathise Cm, I have just thrown away down the tip a binliner full of perfectly good pre-recorded videos, all presents for my Mum (who died in May) over the years which gave her great enjoyment. I asked all the charity shops, even rang all the retirement homes in the area and advertised them around my email contacts - but nobody wanted them. I just wanted to give them away free to someone who would appreciate them. What an awful waste - in this "throw away society"
I don't think it's so much 'throw away society' more that people just don't own video players anymore.
Hi CM, I too have a load of videos, but no VCR any more. They're all in a big box and I don't want to throw them away but... what else is there to do with them? Dilemma .I wish you luck.
i have a machine that transfers VHS to DISC !
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Murraymints where did you get it and was it expensive?

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