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Clanad..thanks for complimenting me and then dissing me in the same sentence. Its a difficult thing to achieve but you seemed to have managed it today.

I thought that I had explained already, but perhaps I haven't after all. I don't like or dislike Palin. Whether I like her or not is entirely immaterial.
I am merely questioning her ability to make it to the top in politics, as she doesn't appear to have sufficient intellectual capability for the task. She is lacking in credibility, and that is where the Republican Party is at fault.

As to Track, an inane* name like that might very well go down well in Alaska but on our side of the pond its just silly. My analogies of other similar geographical features is entirely valid. If you think that "Track" is a suitable name for a child, then it must follow that you also approve of fence, road, field and hedge, as they they are just as valid or invalid. They just sound daft, a word that I realise is not very well used in America, so perhaps I should use "dumb" instead. Its about as sensible as Frank Zappa calling his daughter Moon Unit...its just stupid ! But I guess as Americans come over as rather more credulous than us Brits, the perception of what is stupid may not mean the same on your side of the Pond

Until the Republican Party gets to be more choosy about who represents them, they will find it difficult to win. Comedy should be left for comedians, not serious politicians. People were laughing at Mitt, Palin and co, not with them.

To us Brits, the Republican party conjures up an image where the main elements are...fondness for guns, questionable religions, downright loopiness and arrested education.

* Inane...silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, etc.
Aha, vetuste... you might be on to something here! Ms. Palin pursued an education at every turn and eventually was awarded a Bachelor's Degree from an excellent university (no not Princeton) in Journalism. She was alos elected mayor of a city and Governor of New York. Helped her husband runa commercia fishing business as well as be selected as the Vice Presidential candidate. (Sorry, the Tea Party movement didn't get started until after the election, so she couldn't be a member).

Lots of other accomplishments... wrote two good selling books among them. You've done what? Graduated from Princeton?

She has traveled, primarily to Kuwait to visit National Guard troops stationed there during the first Gulf War. Don't know about you, but I freely admit I've never been to Kuwait.
Governor of Alaska ^^^ Don't know how New York got in there...
I don't wish to bad-mouth Ms Palin for any of her real accomplishments, Clanad, Thankyou for correcting my Tea Party anachronism.
Stupid family names, mikey? You'll love this site then:

Again, Inane...silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, etc., reason to dislike someone... no?
Not a problem vetuste_enne mi... how could anyone remain at odds with someone named vetuste-enne mi?
The sobriquet is a garbled and ungrammatical attempt at a phrase in El Cid, Clanad. If I'd checked it out before signing up (for one question only) to AB, I would now be -
Yours Faithfully,
Vieillesse Ennemie.
Clanad...which ones out of those on your link did you have in mine as inane ?

Malcolm perhaps....well known names of the Kings of Scotland.
Sue, Clive, Felicity, Vincent, Rupert, Antonia, Pat, Pip, Joan, Arthur, etc

All well established names, not geographical features ! Are there any other famous "Tracks" out there in the States that we haven't heard of ? Or Moon Units for that matter ?

Sorry, but I have to go now, as my kids, Tree, Bush, Weed and Branch all want their Tea !
And for the very last time Clanad...I don't dislike Palin...I just don't think she is going to be the first female President, and neither do you I suspect.
"Because as sure as eggs are eggs, the Republicans will pick some swivel-eyed loon to stand in 2016 and he or she will fail miserably, just like the magic underpants-wearing Mitt did last time. " - no mikey, it's the turn of the elephants this time they can field a proper candidate. The democrats can field their SEL, probably Hilary.
Historically the Democrats were far to the right of Republicans. It was the southern Democrats who tried to form the confederacy in order to preserve slavery. Can anyone remember George Wallace, the fiercely segregationist governor of Alabama in the 50s/60s?

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