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Terry Wogan On Saturday Kitchen

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Zacs-Master | 11:40 Sat 08th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I'm not the biggest fan of TW but he's really on the ball, cracking jokes and keeping James on his toes.


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I think he can be really funny. I don't know what so many people dislike him.
*why....not what.
I thought he was pretty good on the radio. I don't understand the venom he generates on AB.
Besides the taking payment for presenting Children In Need....I can't understand the venom either.
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The old boy's still got it. In spades!

Radio or TV, it's an instant Channel change in our house if he appears, neither of us can stand him!
Never had a problem with him and he's never been afraid to send himself up(he was brilliant on Never Mind The Buzzcocks).
Always comes across as the at-ease consumate professional.
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I think he was a victim of the BBCs fear of change i.e. His breakfast show went on for a few years longer than it should have which didn't do him any favours.

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Terry Wogan On Saturday Kitchen

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