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Abused Animal

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Dizmo | 14:23 Thu 06th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
View the description. Shocking!


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I hadn't realised that you were the person that rescued this dog, Dizmo. I'm so glad you've taken her on. Must be hugely rewarding and heartbreaking at the same time. Good luck to you both. x
14:39 Fri 07th Nov 2014
Dizmo - I would always give the older, more difficult dog to rehome a chance because that is what I did with my lovely dog now and even though it was hard work at times, it was well worth it and we all love him and he us and that's what it's all about. Older dogs, especially those with problems (due to previous rubbish owners) are all too often overlooked and I don't think it's fair x
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chaptazbru2: Agreed. That is what we, as a rescue, believe in. We would help every animal if we could.
chaptazbru2: once again you are really rude. Perhaps if I woofed and had a waggy tail you may be a little nicer. Just a little head up here. Ummmm was not defending you she probably could not give a flying whatz it about dogs it was an excuse to have a go at me, and secondly well done for 'rescuing' your little dog however hard work it was I'm sure the little dog appreciates it.
retrochic. I'd love to know who/if I know you under a different user name . :) :)

Don't assume what I do and do not care about.

I was defending Chaps post as I didn't find it in the slightest bit offensive/rude/personally insulting and you have over reacted yet again.

Anne - I think most of the site know who she was previously but she will deny it nonetheless...
Such a shame to see a genuine post descend into personal jibes and the constant referral to a vendetta is at best tedious.
well . maybe best if retrogirl replies to my Q if they wish.
ooft,,,,,,, retrochic !!
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Mamyalynne: Maybe but at least it keeps the thread active. We need more people to see just what is happening to abused animals. It isn't always easy to see when they have been mentally abused (obviously this has to be done in some physical sense) - as you know.
I'm sorry dizmo that your post has been hijacked I've reported this harrasement as its getting beyond a joke.
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I don't mind, I can't really see any real issues with an posts. Having said that they aren't directed at me so of course I'm not going to take offence. I'd suggest everyone just let bygones be bygones but I haven't seen every message sent between the 4 of you in every thread so I don't know how easy that is going to be. All I know is that life is far too short for me to start getting upset about other people; unless I'm accused of animal cruelty and then I get a little agitated.
Dizmo I think you would be the last person in the world anyone would accuse of animal cruelty lol! The problem and people concerned have been reported, even though the post I made about asking it all to please stop was deleted. This is one reason most of my friends have four legs not two ;-)

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