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Posting A Letter

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jennyjoan | 23:48 Mon 10th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I wanted to post a letter to my doctor's but I want to know if the shutters are down after hours where do you actually post - there is no letterbox.



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Stick a stamp on and put it in a Royal Mail letterbox?
Could you phone them in the morning?
There will be a letter box somewhere. There may even be a sign asking to leave the post with the local pharmacist (like ours). Just snoop about.
In a post box, but you will have to put a stamp on it.
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I know about the stamp - doctor surgery is very near me so just wanted to pop it in.
I think you will have to go back when they are open and hand it over.
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What do the postmen do then if the shutters are down.
Shove it under the door.
Probably best to go back in the morning with it. My doctor's surgery is two bus rides away and it takes about an hour to get there. You're lucky yours is so close.
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Also most pharmacies are closed on a Saturday near the surgeries - must ask when I am down next.
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"shove it under the door" - the whole front (like a shop window) is completely shuttered.
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Sandy - would you be like my brother - his doctor was 2 bus rides away - yet he refused to go to a surgery right on his front door. Baffled me no end.
Maybe the post arrives when they are open.
The surgery I go to, or rather rarely go near, is one I've been with for years. Can't be bothered changing.
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That's what he said too - he was with that doctor for years - yet you just fill in a piece of paper at the doctor near you - bob's your uncle and you are that doctor's patient.
If the surgery is so near to you why don't you just go back when it's open?
Slip it under the door.
If they have not provided a box or slot to put things in (maybe they've had bad experiences with local louts posting things) then clearly you have no choice but to return with your letter when they open. It's possible they collect their usual mail from some redirected PO postbox ?

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