Did you see the cats in this mornings mail. Try this experiment, make a circle on the floor with a scarf or a belt or just draw one. If your cat doesn't go in of its own accord put him in the circle. The ones in the paper mainly went in of their own accord, sat or lay down and refused to come out. Some of the photographs were quite amusing.
There's so much clutter on my floor that I'd need an hour or two to clear some space before I could form a circle! However I've long known that cats are naturally drawn into small spaces. (The 5½kg monster in the tiny cat basket, intended for his 3kg sister, right next to my monitor as I'm typing proves that!)
Since I believe that cats are vastly more intelligent than people, I doubt that we'll ever really understand them. (Wolf63 drives me up the wall every time she describes her cats as 'stupid'; there's no such thing as a stupid cat!)
Tablo has an annoying/enduring habit of settling into my underpants at rather awkward times. Rather than getting involved in embarrassing descriptions, I'll offer an illustration:
Unfortunately I don't have a cat of my own but I can't wait to try this on the cats of my friends/relatives. I won't be surprised if a couple of cats I know won't do this, so if they do, it will be really funny.