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Do You Think Applying This Verse Would Help (Psalm 1:1)

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goodlife | 09:43 Tue 11th Nov 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
66 Answers
No wonder the Bible warns: Do not conform outwardly to the standards of this world !—Romans 12:2,

And when a person follows God’s counsel, everything he does will succeed? (Psalm 1:3)


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quite a thoughtful essay on the Septuagint ( Gk translation of OT around 300BC ) and the Hebrew text and Dead Sea Scrolls is here

Good Life what evidence do you have for the tetragrammaton being used instead of kuriou in early Gospels ?
So its O.K to conform inwardly then!
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birdie, I admire your optimism but if goodlife does answer, it will be along the lines of " you are a poor lot who don't understand the bible".
I've been thinking of doing a psychoanalysis on goodlife. I've been looking at some of his ( her ?) contributions, and have come to the conclusion that goodlife is possibly a case of extreme asperger's syndrome, a lonely loner or hermit who hates the idea that other people have more fun, and wants to make them all as gloomy as s/he is. Either that, or goodlife is actually a committee. And probably based in North America. Somewhere cold, anyway.
Does anyone else have any better ideas ?
In addition to the topic "Xenophobia" which I have unsuccessfully called for in the past, how about another topic "Biblethumping Bo!!ox" for containing such threads as this one.

Mind you, I expect this suggestion will fall on the same "barren ground"

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Do You Think Applying This Verse Would Help (Psalm 1:1)

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