10, 29 Red wine grape...expose to moisture for domesticated creature(6}
11 Herbal plants appear when Scottish water receives direction(7):
12 Tickled rib? Let's show a little bit(7): D?I????
23 She tickled me fancy in charming song(5): N????
7 Carcass waste sounds pretty bad(5): O????
8 Wish otherwise, lose the head and get the bird(5): E????
17,16 Cease to grow old with point measurement(6): A?EL??
If I remember correctly (it is a long time ago) the full verse went:
Where have you been all the day, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Where have you been all the day, my Billy Boy?
I've been walking all the day,
With my charming Nancy Gray,
And my Nancy tickled my fancy,
Oh, my charming Billy Boy!
23 A is still giving some trouble ( She tickled me fancy in charming song - 5 -: N????
and 16/17 Down: Cease to grow old with point measurement(6): A?EL?? ( or: L??A?E )