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What A Truly Lovely Day We've Had......

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janzman | 22:20 Fri 05th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
...Me and Mrs Jan went to Matlock 'Victorian and Christmas Fair' today. We went direct by train from Nottingham. After the clouds cleared, about noon the sun shone and it was crisp and invigorating, cold, about 3 degrees, and beautifully clear. Lots of great stalls local pies, cheeses, fudge and chocolate, crafts, wood and leather working, a wonderful barrel organ playing festive tunes. The fair is on all weekend with a funfair and Santa Parade and Fireworks tomorrow and Sunday, lovely, lovely day>>>


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that is my kind of day out --- if it was not so far away, i would go tomorrow

i am pleased you enjoyed yourselves
when do you get your 10% commission, janz?

Glad you had a good for the future for you to consider is the Cologne Christmas market, that is amazing.
Sounds lovely- glad you both had a great day out

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What A Truly Lovely Day We've Had......

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