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Would You Vote For This Lot Again?

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TWR | 09:18 Thu 11th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Probably the last lot were no better, but can you stand another 5 years of these cuts? are they working & can you see any benefits?


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And only the Labour Party have promised to take the Winter Fuel Allowance from people.

Most certainly will, but remember no-one voted for the coalition, there is no doubt Clegg & Co. have been holding back the recovery, and the Country neither wants or deserves a Labour Government!
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There ought not be a Winter Allowance. Pensions should be set at a level such that it covers the person's needs. After all most will have been paying in all their life to the public kitty. It is condescending to go adding extra pocket money in dribs and drabs.
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"This Lot" refers to the Coalition, as I said No-one voted for the Coalition, not sure where you and TWR got that idea.
All it will take for the Tories to win outright will be a Labour win in 2015, and people will be falling over themselves to get the Tories back ASAP afterwards!
No one voted for any party, let alone any coalition; they voted for a representative for their area. Although they may well have taken note of which party, if any, their preferred choice was a member of.
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The sooner this lot, the Con that is Lib-Con, are booted out the better off we'll be! Clegg will get his backside kicked good and hard in May, pity the 'hard working' Libs at street level, he sold his soul for power and he will pay! I dont trust Cameron or Ed either so where to go from here?
^Unlike you, bouncer, and your friends, I don't pluck ideas out of thin air and represent them as facts.
PS, I do know which party IDS is in. Can you produce a link/ any evidence that he's taking Winter Fuel Allowance from people. Sounds like something he'd do, just I haven't read anything about him doing it.
Saint Peter be like me and vote with your feet i.e. don't bother.
I certainly wouldn't vote for this lot, used to use Liberals but now haven't a clue as they are all the same. I think that really NONE of them know what to do, they simply want the power.

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