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Freddie Alert!

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Caran | 22:16 Fri 12th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
It's on now BBC4, repeated at 1.00 am


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True,Baldric...... And I still find him sexy....the whole Freddie....just beautiful....x
00:24 Sat 13th Dec 2014
Aww....I'm sorry you're vague, BA....but don't's not always permanent...... can come and go and never come back if you're lucky...xx
Ah..thank you, know what I mean about the whole Freddie! x
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Gness, why is it I could watch your post and not the others. I can hear them but not see them. I love the end bit when he says I still love you.
I don't know....both played for me, Caran.....maybe it's a sign that Freddie loves just you and me......☺
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I do have trouble with YouTube on this iPad so I was pleasantly surprised it played for me.
I had never heard of him until he died. And from what I've seen of him since, I don't understand why anybody would think he was sexy, much less a genius.
thought it was a reference to freddie krueger so 'best answer' really confused me until i read the rest of the posts

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Freddie Alert!

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