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Is This The Beginning Of The End?

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sandyRoe | 19:55 Wed 07th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Will it in time go the way of elder, crubeens, tripe, and lard for frying?


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Got the Worcestershire sauce, wouldn't be without it but bacon buttie deserves brown sauce
You need the goo underneath the lard.
no blinis, shoota, just tell me no blinis....

henrietta, you need dripping for that, not lard
Shoota, I await your sauce.
HP sauce changed their recipe a few years ago which led to howls of protest and a sharp drop in sales. I don’t know whether they learnt their lesson and reverted, as Bovril had to do a few years previously when they mistakenly tried to remove the beef content.
Aah thanks humbesloop, so that's where I went wrong. I kept reading about beef lard on toast during the war when it was probably beef dripping. Where can I buy beef dripping and why on earth do they sell beef lard if it doesn't taste of beef? What is it's purpose and what makes it different to normal unflavoured lard as i guess they taste identical?
Nibble. does it actually taste of beef or like lard?
Dripping toast .....I wish
Seems to be a hit with the customer reviews, but there is only a few of them. You pays your money and takes your chances. IMO - try it you might be surprised
yo nibs! ;)

Henrietta, we usually use lard for greasing the mast hoops, although if you larrup enough salt and pepper on it, it's ok on toast
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^^ I know daisy, it's a poor sub
Nibs, I was thinking more of stock piling heating oil at the minute! Sure you're not Boxy?
Nibble I was going to say "But there are only 3 and they could be all from employees" But then I read "It is completely palpable if I make toad in the hole without dripping - the flavour that it adds is beautifully meaty and how the dish should taste. Sometimes you just have to forget about calories and health and eat something that makes you feel good about life.."

And thought that is from someone who really tasted and loves it so I'll buy a pot and give it a whirl. Can you use it in Jacket spuds, make a hot beefy drink, use it as a fondue dip etc?
What can you do with it that you couldn't have done during the war, any quirky ideas welcome as I eat in a quirky way
Can YOU be sure I'm NOT, psbbs?? :-)
Yep, you're Nibble all right! x
I'm taking the "5th Ammendment" on that assumption :-)
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You should try beef dripping. Isn't lard pig fat?

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