Hello, question about pruning roses .... have got two standard roses in our back garden and obviously they have finished flowering. Should I prune them now, or later (and if the latter, when). And how far should I cut them back? Hope you can help, many thanks. Chox.
I usually give mine a light trim Dec/Jan, if it's not freezing, to minimise the possibility of the wind loosening the roots by rocking the bush. Normally it's late March but it depends on the season and how advanced the buds are.
Again, it's maybe just a personal choice, but I cut back quite severely to just above a bud. Good luck chokkie. Let's hope we get a bumper crop this year xx
But... be sure to trim out any deadwood as well as crossing branches in the interior of the bush. Additionally, when you prune be sure to clean the area within the drip circle thoroughly to remove dead leaves which can contribute to Black Spot...
Autumn or Spring usually, whichever suits you.
Roses are quite hardy (blackspot & aphids aside) you can take a hedgetrimmer to them if you wish. Train them into a nice shape.
Many thanks to everyone for their help, this will be so useful. Think I will leave ours until March, really appreciate all your suggestions. Best wishes, Chox.