About that selfish clown on the (M60) Driving over the Barton Bridge "Manchester Ship canal" on Wed, the snow slid down off his / her roof & covered the front screen, it was on Video & the police are aware of it, what should the penalty be for this offence?
Totally agree. With that video evidence (and amount of time showing) a conviction for Dangerous Driving could easily be secured. No apparent attempt to pull over to hard shoulder (if one exists) to clear windscreen either.
Retro, there is no hard shoulder on that section of the Bridge but prior to that no matter what area this Idiot came from he / she had ample chance to clear the screen, but any person with a bit of common sense would have cleared that before setting off.
Oh winter's here. Saw one driver struggling to see where he was going this morning...face right up to the windscreen peering through a barely scraped letter box size gap on the frozen up windscreen. Why oh why?