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TWR | 09:07 Fri 06th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
ITV Car Crash Britain last night? what's your views?


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there are, and always has been plenty of idiots on the road. The advent of relatively cheap in-car cams has given us more evidence of that.
Have recorded that and hope to watch it tonight twr. Sounds interesting.
Great ! - the voice over is in the style of Come Dine with me

and if you want more there is plenty on U tube

it is said that there are so many in eastern Europe because of the insurance companies' demands

Seen it all already...well most...on Facebook and YouTube.
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Even as a non driver I thought it was an interesting programme on a few levels - not just a crash-fest that you can view on any channel.
Im currently learning to drive and had my eighth lesson today. The programme was a real eye opener. Just goes to show the importance of checking mirrors as pedal cyclists and motor cyclists, not to mention pedestrians are particularly vulnerable.

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