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Should These Two Be Allowed To Marry While In Prison?

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anotheoldgit | 16:04 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | News
36 Answers

How can a person change from a 'gay basher' to a 'gay bride' or a 'gay husband'.

The other a paedophile, let's hope they don't want any children when they get out.



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From the Link

///Prisoners are entitled to apply to be married in prison under the Marriages Act 1983. This would take place at no cost to the taxpayer and there is no possibility that they would share a cell.///

But it would be okay for two prisoners to share a cell who were in a relationship but not married.
My first question would be why do they want to get married?
no possibility that they would share a cell

Oh dear that is a pity. What about their human rights to live as a family?

Rules of present day society are unbelievably crazy.
Doubt they had the slightest intention of getting married. They just cooked up a cunning plan to sue us for stopping them. Now they're stuck with each other, lol.
They make a lovely couple don't they.

I'll give it a year, reduced to 6 months for good behaviour.
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Does that mean ***, 1ozzy.
The stared out word was
b a r s t e wa r d s
So subtle divebuddy
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/// I think you should post this to the tory party they brought this farce to the statute book ///

I think you mean the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition.

But don't you think that Labour would have done the same?
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I bet they had a huge selection of bridesmaids?

No Maids of 'HONOUR' though.
// I think you should post this to the tory party they brought this farce to the statute book ///

// I think you mean the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition. //

If you had read your own link you wuld have spotted that prisoners have been allowed to marry since 1983, when the Great Leader was in charge and Leon Brittan was losing paedophile dossiers at the Home Office.
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I was referring to gay marriages.
Got you. Nothing to do with prisoners then.

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Should These Two Be Allowed To Marry While In Prison?

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