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Debate Dates

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tonyav | 22:34 Mon 23rd Feb 2015 | News
17 Answers
The political party leaders live debate dates have been released.


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David Cameron has a dental appointment on the evening of 1st May so will be unable to attend. His place will be taken by a tub of cowardice.
Tony, I have no input to your elections but I agree with Gromit
Question Author
I don't disagree, Psybbo.
Winner of the debates will be adjudged on who can discredit the opposition the most....

Note - 1 possible non-runner.
Tony, good night x
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G'night, Psybbo x
The last I heard the Tories wanted the debates to be in March. And the DUP (reasonably enough, though no doubt egged on by the Tories) were threatening legal action if they were not admitted.
Can't see any of it happening, or at least not the One that matters most between the two main leaders. Cameron won't go head to head with Miliband under any circumstances - that's what his party have decided. Pretty shameful in my opinion
If a debate happens, Cameron will be there.
// David Cameron has a dental appointment on the evening of 1st May so will be unable to attend. His place will be taken by a tub of cowardice. //

Eh? Gordon Brown stepping in for Cameron - are you sure?
Or, depending on the climate, 'Two Jags'!
Excellent! Now I know when to turn off the television and curl up with a good book.
Brown had everything to lose by participating in the 2005 debates, but he still turned up. Not sure how you can try and deflect the accusation of cowardice onto Brown?
It will be very embarrassing if Cameron does a no show on May 1st. we will have to wait and see if he changes his mind.

Lost 5 years there somewhere. I obviously meant the 2010 debates.
I think the Tories are gambling that even if they aren't there for the multiple party ones, if they go ahead, it won't look too bad and might even look like the other lot squabbling while he stays aloof from it. And of course unless they DO choose a tub of lard for the head to head I am sure Eric Pickles would acquit himself well :-)
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I am not sure what these debates are supposed to achieve, to be honest. It will only give further credence to the cult of personality. We should be debating issues, not whether one politician looks better than another one, on the telly.

Anyway, the Leaders are just part of a team. When we put our cross besides a candidate this summer, it won't say who the Leader is. I can remember a time, not so long ago, when ballot papers didn't even have the Party of the candidate on it, just the name.

These TV debates will have every opportunity of becoming modern Bear Gardens, and I am not really convinced that we will understand the issues any better the morning after.
Actually mikey I thought the last debates did a good job at highlighting the issues. The problem is that all of us, the press, social media etc fall over our/themselves to declare winners/losers based on things that shouldn't matter. Almost before the thing has finished. And often what is said is forgotten. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be said.

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