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Happy Birthday Ferlew

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Ann | 01:35 Fri 13th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Have a lovely day x


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Happy birthday Ferlew. Have a lovely day. xx
Have a great day, Ferlew
Happy Birthday, ferlew! :-)
♫ Happy Birthday Ferlew ♫
Enjoy your day xx
Hope you have a great birthday Ferlew.
Happy birthday wishes. Have a lovely day xx
Have a great day, wishes....Gx
Oh my, I hadn't seen this ... many thanks all.
Awww Gness, thank you so much.
River Dance is my favourite :) x
You're welcome, dance along......☺
Happy Birthday ferlew. Hope your day is a good one.
Happy birthday Ferlew enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Ferlew. Hope you're having a good one x
Happy Birthday, Ferlew.
Happy Birthday Ferlew. All the best to you.

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Happy Birthday Ferlew

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