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Nine British Medics Have Gone To Syria.

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sandyRoe | 08:18 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | Current Affairs
45 Answers
A shining example of altruism or something they'll come to regret?


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Well done those guys!!! A shining example!!
08:22 Sun 22nd Mar 2015
See my post at 22:35 and try harder.
'Medicine in an islamic setting', so that will be repairing bullet wounds and fitting artificial limbs puss the occasional fgm
//oh please both of you stop the spitting and hair-pulling .... //

Not me. I've no idea what sevenOP is fretting about.
The hubris is dripping from your evasion.
jom, can't help thinking the parents must accept some considerable responsibility here.

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Nine British Medics Have Gone To Syria.

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