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Hard Times

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sunny-dave | 19:48 Fri 17th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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:-) Eat your heart out!
The colour would put me off!
When I saw the title of this post I was half way through writing out a cheque before I twigged.....
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You want a pink one??
Slightly less red would help. Not pink!
Interestingly only female replies! Where is Tonyav?
I'd sent the grandchildren out with a collecting tin before I twigged, MrsO........☺
I don't think it will boost the sales of Fiats.
Now, that put a tiger in the tank!
That is really funny.
Great ad that Dave. Still a Fix It Again Tomorrow though.
I was hoping that the cat got it.
Lord save us, Tony....cats don't need it!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, gness. Would be fun to see though.

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