I have got a large rather sick looking camelia. The leaves are yellowing. Some have brown spots on the backs. The leaves are dropping. It did flower but lost quite a few buds. It has been repotted (last year) in eracacious compost, fed with proper feed and it is not waterlogged or dry. Please help!
Bit of a puzzler this one!! It looks like it could be winter damage ie frost burn or exposure to cold n-e winds, or possibly some form of nutrient deficiency. A good deep mulch of well rotted manure may help and or you could try a feed of 'Maxicrop Plus' (sequestered iron) Good Luck.
I wondered whether it didn't like the compost in which it was originally potted, as camelias tend to prefer acid soil but as you said it was repotted in ericious compost it's probably not that. Has the soil been kept moist? Some regular doses of sequestered iron is usually a good pick-up. If this doesn't work, moving it out of the pot and into the ground, with roots surrounded by fresh compost and some nutrients may be the only way of saving it.