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Logical Or What?

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Theland | 20:37 Fri 08th May 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
17 Answers
I believe that atheists will find john lennox challenging


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Can you let me know when it gets challenging please. Life is to short to listen to yet another religious sermon.
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very drole and so christian...
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Too late now - if I have time I'll watch it tomorrow.
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Believing the universe and all that is in it is too complex to not have been created by something that would of necessity be inherently infinitely more complex is logically . . . absurd.

Complexity, no less that inherent in the existence of a conscious reasoning creative mind, is a product of evolving means and process.
Apologies but I don't have an hour to waste. If this fellow has specific points that can be debated could you state them individually for discussion please ? Thanks.
i actually believe in god and i found this bloke spurious and annoying
Logical or What?

Definitely "What".
I have listened to three minutes of this waffle, and I am nor prepared to waste any more of my valuable life waiting for him actually to say something.
Perhaps I am alone in this, Theland, but I rather enjoyed playing your game of 'Name that Fallacy'. Here's a partial list in the hope that you too can enjoy a session of 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey':

Argument from authority
Appeal to ignorance
False dilemma
False equivalence
Cherry picking
Thought-terminating cliché
Straw man

Just to name a . . . few.
When home life allows I'm struggling through it - bit by bit - and very slowly. As that incredibly brave man said, "I may be some time."
Atalanta, you did better than me, I made it to 2mins 48 seconds before I gave up....O_G got to the nub of it... what point he was trying to make? If a point can't be made in a few sentences then it probably isn't worth making.
Theland....can you possibly summarize what this chap is droning on about please ?

Like everybody else on here, I can't spare nearly an hour out of my busy day to get to the best bits.
Still not watched much of it, but I did note his comment relating to Richard Dawkins’ contention that people of religion are deluded. The speaker went on to give the definition of ‘delusion’…..

“A persistent false belief held in the face of very strong contradictory evidence”.

…. and then applied it to atheism.

I want to see his ‘very strong contradictory evidence’. Since Theland thinks this man is logical, perhaps he will be kind enough to provide it.

(I will watch the rest when I have time).

I have now slogged through a quarter of an hour of this, during which this preacher claims vigorously that Christ and Christianity reject violence. Absolutely untrue.
Christ said quite clearly " I come not to bring peace but the sword". That is: " NOT peace but rather fighting likely to cause death ".
If that isn't a demand for violence, I don't know what is.

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Logical Or What?

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