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What Is The World Coming To?

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EcclesCake | 16:45 Wed 03rd Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
I've just been informed that the reason I have been unable to buy a Toblerone for the past few months is because my local Waitrose has discontinued the line!

I'm off to prepare my protest banner :-(


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You may still purchase and consume Terry's chocolate oranges so all is well with the world which continues to spin.

Just watch out for the pips though....
Chocolate oranges are just wrong somehow.
Very sickly imo.
I had an Easter egg made of chocolate orange chocolate and it wasn't wrong at all.

A little hollow perhaps, but not wrong.
If God had meant us to eat orange flavoured chocolate, he would have ...

... err, given us ... chocolate oran

... hang on, I'm still thinking this through.

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What Is The World Coming To?

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