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Fao - The Km Players

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seekeerz | 23:17 Fri 05th Jun 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Here are today's shaded clues for you -

37a Hard boiled ---- nuts; Stan's gift of food to Ollie in the Laurel and Hardy film County Hospital [4]

54a Item used in curling, or the seed of an apricot etc [5]

53d Fragrant flower, source of attar [4]

54d Symbol on the Moroccan flag [4]



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1. Eggs 2. stone 3. rose 4. star
23:30 Fri 05th Jun 2015
1. Eggs
2. stone
3. rose
4. star
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Spot on, Bb, :))
Thank you Skrz. Lets see if we can start with a point or two.

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Fao - The Km Players

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