mosaic has pointed out ( sudduv ) that a grand a week give or take a drink will give you a gross income of £52 000 - this is twice the national average of 24k so your question is - can I survive on twice the average income ?
answer yes - or as Mosaic said if you dont what the job, can I
It is definitely a contract of employment ( pd by hour ) and NOT service so the deductibles are limited - you will NOT get tax relief on your list of possible deductibles ( whatever they are - digs, paper hankies, trips to the cinema ) as a rsult of very clear tax rules on this
Your tax bill roughly is first ten k tax free - 42 to be taxed
next 38 ( kay ) taxed at 20 % so that is £7600 ( tax ) and 4 at 40% ( you realise that this job would be in a the higher tax bracket and you are actually sayig can I afford it ? but still .... ) a further 1,600
which gives you a tax bill £9,200
which is 18% - - ( yay !! ) as you said
and you get around £42 k in your hot little hand
Re jig this question as - I have a contract of employment and the employer will pay PAYE on my behalf according to standard tax rules which looks like 18% overall
and the asnwer is YES !
subsidiary question should I go - answer - YES !
any other points I can help you with ?
[ yes yes there is - the leading case on whether you are employed or self-employed under these conditions is Ready Mized Concrete v MOPNI ( cue thousands of ABers to say ugh this is gibberish ! ) and you will find this case here:
and on the info given - you are DEFFO employed under an employment contract and would pay PAYE ]
Go !