Letters after someone's name normally indicate MEMBERSHIP of a particular body. (University degrees are actually forms of membership of the university).
Where a qualification does not involve membership of any particular body, there are no 'official' letters related to the qualification. It's generally accepted that people with certain professional qualifications state these qualifications, in an abbreviated form, after their name and, as you suggest, Dip. Couns, would be appropriate for someone with a Diploma in Counselling. This, however, is an informal statement of a qualification and there is no official entitlement to 'letters after their name'.
For a counselling professional to acquire an 'entitlement' to letters after their name, they would need to obtain membership of the British Association of Counselling Professionals. They could then use the letters MBACP.
http://www.bacp.co.uk/join_bacp/ind_membership .html