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Nationwide Minute Silence For Tunisian Victims.

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Gromit | 13:59 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | News
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I didn't read the OP as implied disrespect for anyone or anything. I read it as asking why are we having a minutes silence for this one. A few people seem to wonder why we should as well. People who say not being in favour of it means you must be anti British haven't really thought it through. They are just making up insults as they go.
15:54 Wed 01st Jul 2015
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// no News content , should never have been in this section. //

It is in every newspapers;q=National+Minute+silence+%2B+Tunisia
-- answer removed --
@divebuddy....I don't give a flying **** what sqad says ;)
why? Because we can.

I take the view that those that wish to observe it should be allowed to do so, those that are against it are allowed to not observe the silence and and those that are ambivalent should be allowed to maintain that stance.

We have freedom of choice - something that many others do not.

Anybody who can't spare 60 seconds out of their day, should maybe take the time to look at themselves.
How can you be moved by the death of total strangers? There are deaths in the UK every day. Some people need to get a life!
If you cannot feel for your fellow mankind, I feel for you Just Jude - how sad.
///Some people need to get a life!///

Just-Jude - this is about people losing their life. You are such a sad soul.
Those of us who have a life, Jude, won't harm by stopping to think of those who now don't.....and why they don't.

\\\no News content , should never have been in this section\\\

correct, your mealy-mouthed little question was set out purely to annoy those of us who do care, there was no news in it whatsoever!
It was a terrible thing to happen, a cowardly thing to do. National feeling is revulsion for the whole IS issue, 7/7, Lee Rigby etc., the more publicity for them and their sympathisers the more they thrive on it. How about something actually being done to stop these killers, how much longer do we let them get away with it?
Nobody questioned why it was thought appropriate to fly the LGBT flag next to the Union Flag on government buildings the other day?

Was that also respect?

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