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The Archers

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grannie39 | 18:42 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | Radio
100 Answers
does anyone know where Ruth Archer is ? and can it get any worse than it is now, Chris Evans 500 words was better that this lot !


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Hoppy :

Susan Carter, née Horrobin - briefly became the most notorious Archers character ever when her imprisonment at Christmas 1993 for shielding her armed-robber brother Clive Horrobin led to the launch of the "Free the Ambridge One" campaign. Questions were asked in the House of Commons of then Home Secretary Michael Howard.
Blimey! It seems quite tame now then.
'fraid so, Hopkirk.
^^^ P.S. Clive Horrobin robbed the village shop.
Don't worry Archerettes ( I made that word up but it sounds good! Maybe Archerphiles???) The Goosegate Battle is warming slowly, ready, steady, goose!
I like 'Archerphiles'. How about forming an 'Only Connect' team?
What a brilliant idea! I did get one correct answer last night, but that is an exception!
I got a couple - and 5 of the Walls!
Apologies - wrong thread.
What did I tell you ! I knew Titchener was responsible !
Looks as though you're right Mikey. Charlie couldn't get him for the culvert blockage so hopefully he will get him for fiddling the books. I wish Charlie wouldn't keep 'stalking' Adam though, he's quite happy with Ian - but not so happy with Brian at the moment.
Rob is too slippery to be caught out - he always gets by, and Helen believs everything he says.
Debbie saw through Charlie straight away !
Ooer, don't think that will go down very well. Quite deceitful I think. I won't put what it is in case others haven't heard it yet.
Well, they kept that secret ! Married ! But why do it secretly while they were on hols on the Isle of Wight ?

He's up to no good...take my word for it !
ladybirder....sorry ! I posted without realising that some people like to listen to the omnibus !
Not fair Mikey!
I haven't heard the Sunday evening episode yet (no spoilers please),
but I have the feeling that Pip is going to pull out of the Brazil job.

They are lining up the problem with milking, with Ruth oop north, and I reckon Pip will use that as an excuse not to go.

She can then get involved with Toby, not noticing that Rex is a far better proposition.

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