Lately this past 2 weeks I am taking severe pains in my knees - I know it is my weight that is perhaps putting pressure on them.
I am of the mind that I shall try and get to the gym and treadmill most of all.
Do you think while if I go on the treadmill will I damage the knee joints more or help. Thank you. Do walk the dog but an amble and then we get to the park - I can let him off the lead and he gets a good run.
So I will heed your advice cos I don't want damage my knees any more - now so many friends are NOW getting new knees.
Opinions have changed (in some quarters) and it would seem that exercising in the early stages of an "arthritic complaint" is not only "not harmful" but beneficial. Others disagree and i am one of the "others" ;-)
So, if you feel like a go at the gym, then go ahead and see what transpires, as you shouldn't do any harm.
My advice?..I would replace the gym and treadmill with swimming, this putting less pressure on your knees.