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oh dear indeed - as someone who works in the area of the NHS that deals with personal health budgets (PHB), i can tell you they are a pain in the bum, and there are very few people who are able to benefit from them In theory, when someone is found eligible for NHS funding for their care, they could have a PHB if they want, although few do because being eligible means...
10:10 Tue 01st Sep 2015
not true cloverjo. Whether someone gets their care funded by the nhs or not depends on wwhat the needs are, not what the diagnosis is
It is a difficult one to discuss because as Bednobs says, the recipients are quite small in the overall scheme of things and their needs are very varied - cases like the ones in the article are great headline grabbers.

We all have instances where things worked and seem fair and where they failed and seem heartless,impossible to please all.

My Husband so wanted to see the gardens and water before he went, his wheelchair arrived 4 hours after he died from brain tumours,I don't blame anyone for that, it just happened.
Nobody wants to be heartless. It's a question, if you're paying taxes or in need of treatment, of knowing that the money is going to the best, fairest place.

> the recipients are quite small in the overall scheme of things and their needs are very varied

The exact same thing could be said about the MPs and their expenses, but they were an easy target in comparison.
Bednobs....every year we have a meeting where it's decided whether or not my mother is entitled to NHS funding.
At every meeting we are told that my mother would be NHS funded if she had a different illness...she has Alzheimer's.

Although she needs everything done for her....has lost the ability to speak...lies in a foetal position til her nappies are changed.....has to be fed... she is not entitled to funding.....because her illness is not considered an illness for funding.
well then your care home/ccg is lying to you (or mis-applying the criteria). The national framework is execptionally clear that NHS funding is NOT dependent on diagnosis or illness, rather the needs that arise from that illness. It may be that your mum's needs do not meet the qualifying criteria or are not complex enough. What your mum needs sounds like (from your brief description) it could be done by an unqualified person (a carer) rather than needing a qualified nurse
Nobody is lying to me, Bednobs. I do my research. My mother, in the same condition but with a different diagnosis needing the same care, would be funded.
then you are either misunderstanding or you need to get onto the press/mp If there is an area where they are using diagnosis as a determining factor, they are breaking the law
Also, not sure what your own research covered, but you could look at paragraph 3.5 and 3.6 on page 51 of the national framework practice guidance (revised november 2012) in order to bring to their attention the error of their ways
"Primary health need is not about the reason why someone requires care or support, nor is it based on their diagnosis; it is about their overall actual day-to-day care needs taken in their totality. Indeed it could be argued that most adults who require a package of health and social care support do so for a health-related reason (e.g. because they have had an accident or have an illness or disability). It is the level and type of needs themselves that have to be considered when determining eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare."
Thank you for the information, Bednobs.....and I'm truly not misunderstanding anything.
Every year a different person does the assessment.... and the final decision lies with him/her.

We have sold her house and are now into savings.....the last but one person told me once these fall to £23,000 she pays no more.....that's wrong.
I showed her my paperwork with the true figures and her response was....

Gosh....didn't know that...the others in the office will be surprised when I tell them......☺

The last person was very sympathetic about the different ways folk with Alzheimer's are treated......if my mother had a heart condition for example the decision could be different....but......☺

Honestly I'm not fussed enough about the money to start battling these needs someone with more clout to sort out the unfairness....

And that's not going to be me......but thank you.....x
if you are tuly not misunderstanding then someone must be misleading you (and acting illegally.)
it is rather unusual to have a full assessment at yearly intervals though - usually if you are found not eligibe after a full assessment, only a change in need would prompt another referral. It sounds more like you are talking about an FNC assessment (which means you have to have a CHC checklist first) if you don't pass the checklist stage, you are not referred on for a full assessment
that person who told you "if she had a heart condition ....." i bet they were from social services, right?
Bednobs....I honestly can't recall without going through my file whether the last one was the nurse....or from some other department...

Apart from the twice yearly home reviews I have two assessments each year with different departments and always different people.

They always, without fail, ask if I would like my mother to be brought to sit in on the meeting as she should have a say in her care.....

I think that's when I smile....shut off....go with the flow....and come home for a lie down......☺

But thanks for your input....x
i suppose it's professional pride really - it absolutely makes my blood boil that people like you are mis-led or lied to about CHC by professionals. It's hard enough to get in the first place, it makes me angry if people are given/fed the wrong information. Clearly facts are hard to come by too - you seem like a very intelligent person, but even after researching it you have got the wrong info. Heaven help anyone who hasn't got the nous to stand up for themselves or their relative, or sort the duff info from the true.

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