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Homemade Soup And

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slinky.kate | 21:16 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
a Roll and salted butter,(spring veg.soup done in the soup maker)that's my supper tonight,no toast.


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Wow, you are good!!! you make me feel guilty!!!!

Can you see my new picture!?!?!?!
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'It's a cracker'
Why no toast tonight, kate ?.
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had a nice roll instead to dip in my soup,yummy.
Aw, I just fancied a slice of toast.
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aw,go and make some pet,what about toast and cheese and pickle.?
Sounds lovely kate, just had a bag of pork scratchings though instead.
No bread
Just soup for you then, Daisy.
Yep. Clam chowder.
One of my father's favourite sayings 'there's no bread so we'll have to have toast' - don't ask!
My grandad used to say that to, cap'n. I could never work out what he mean't.
Nothing better than home made soup is there Kate? LOVE it, especially in the cold winter months. It's the ONLY good thing about winter though.

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Homemade Soup And

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