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Horizon, Which Universe Are We In?

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nailit | 21:08 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
13 Answers
Just watched the above programme on BBC2. (About multiverses). I'm no scientist but some of these speculations border on the religious to me. I know that its been said that the universe is not only queerer than we imagine but queerer than we CAN imagine but honestly, how much speculation can scientists make before been described as religious themselves (belief in some absurd idea without proof)?



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Mine of course nailit. Great programme .
No, nailit, my Allah is greater than Sheikh Togo's....
DT I am in the quantum multiverse don't you know? Of course you do .I think so.
I'm simply unique and that makes me 'goodlife's' God that he is seeking....
nailit have you ever played with a rubic cube? Well I am the transparent square.
If you can make a valid argument for your speculation then you have something that can probably be tested. It is that ability that keeps it in the scientific arena.

Your question becomes valid only when it is agreed that the apparently/agreed most likely is unable to be tested. Then the line gets blurred.

But even then the route to that point is different. Religion relies of revelation to produce a faith required explanation from the start. Science may reach a similar point when already known facts has covered all possible up to practically testable limits, and one is trying to work out what is beyond that.
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//Your question becomes valid only when it is agreed that the apparently/agreed most likely is unable to be tested. Then the line gets blurred. //
Thats the type of nonanswer that religionists come out with OG.
Really ? They must be much more rational than some give them credit for then.
Science should speculate (in my opinion) - but unlike religion, if science discovers flaws in its speculation it will say so.

I enjoyed the programme.
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^ Arbitrary beliefs have consequences . . . for believers and non-believers alike.
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^ One should hope that most everything said in R&S was intentional sarcasm but I'm afraid there's far too much truth in what you wrote Birdie to be taken purely as sarcasm.

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