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Dinner This Evening...

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ethandron | 19:05 Sat 19th Sep 2015 | Food & Drink
45 Answers
...was pretty cr**
What did you have so I can salivate over it?


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Can't remember last night, it's an age thing, but there's a 2 rib ready for the oven today. Wish we had guests more often!
We had guests last night so had to make a bit of an effort! Starter was caramelised onions and goats cheese tarts (a la Mary Berry), moussaka for the veggie guest and beef casserole for the rest and home made (delish) Banoffee Pie. All very well received. Today it's leftovers!
// When we came to eat it it was almost unchewable. Trouble is there is a lot left of it.
Would it work if I diced it and put it in the slow cooker? //

I've put cooked tough steak in the slow came out much better than when I put it it. Give it a try.
Ive just had an apple if you want to cork your juices to that ethandron ;)

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