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"lewd Act With A Pig..."

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sandyRoe | 12:26 Mon 21st Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
There's not many PMs who could claim that. Does the Bullingdon Club encourage this sort of behaviour?


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No big deal....stupid, but didn't we all do stupid things in our early 20,s......I know I did. I knew a bloke who did that regularly to pigs, his name was Roger Bacon.
12:35 Mon 21st Sep 2015
To be fair, we were all a little rasher when we were young.
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I must have read about 'Snouts In The Trough' a hundred times here on AB

'Toffs In The Snout' is a new one though!
this is a crackling thread awaiting the apple sauce.....
who squealed? is it connected to the recently reported split between kermit and miss piggy?
new image of the Bullingdon Club released
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Hope the police grill him.
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@ 20:44
Ok, that's funny, but what's it got to do with The Bullingdon Club?
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If he had drink taken it could serve as an excuse of sorts...
Hamosexual obviously.
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Haha baldric. LOL.
plenty of rude ones here

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"lewd Act With A Pig..."

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