Stuck on bottom right corner 54a In Zen Buddhism, a term for enlightenment literally meaning “understanding” (6) 58a A guide and interpreter in Arabic-, Persian- and Turkish-speaking...
17a School -- first place for violent revolt (6) P???C?
26a Part of member of working class, not leader (4) R???
18d Labour lag behind with introduction of alternative vote? (7) ??A?A??...
16a A female in Romany (4) ?H?I 22a Attractively full-figured (6) ?A?T?? 23d A tale of adventure or romance (5) ??S?E 32d An ornamental container for Bill and Ben? (8) ?A???P?T 33d Student of a middle...
Stuck on two - 3 dn Part of solo that begins work by Strauss (4) -A-O. Sure it must be also as its in the clue but what's that got to do with Strauss? 26 dn Finish line put in first, in advance (4)...
26 down. Eight sounded cocky. 4 letters C?E?
Many thanks in advance and apologies if this has been previously answered. Maybe CREW but cannot see why?...
Hello everybody, writing from Vienna on a damp Sunday afternoon... Can anyone help with 12A, Ordinary boy following Guevara and Villa, initially. C?E???N and 3D Hang Henry More?! H?V?? Many thanks....
Stuck on last two. 3d. Senior MP's to face judges with sign of hesitation (12) I have F - O - T - E - C - E - 20d. is strange, as the clue requires the use of the first letters of Seem To Rally...
1.what latitude is the most northernly in mainland england? 2.when prince charles married diana spencer who was the best man? 3.why do farmers in parts of china keep ducks in their paddy fields? the...
10a Choppy sea for one in landing-place making one nauseous (6)
Choppy sea = eas; one in = i; landing-place = quay
so how do you derive "queasy" (nauseous) from qua eas i y...