30a-dry one seeded fruit of the daisy (7) ?Y?S???. 36a-member of ascetic sect in Palestine (6) E?S???. 4d=sweet smelling spice used in incense(6) ?T?C?E. 31d-to be so decended is to have direct...
Period between old and new moons when the moon is visible -N----------- In New Zealand tax added to customs duty -R----- Professional boxer weighing between 112 and 118 pounds ------
I am sure that the answers to the following questions are easy, but I think my brain has turned to mush!!!! 1) The language designed for internet application? 2) In which year did the first London to...
Which advert /s from the past would you like to see return to the screen ? Mine would be :- 1. The Flake advert ( only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate , taste like chocolate never taste it before )...
Could one of you please explain 21d "J is for jacket" (6) . REEFER fits (= jacket) but why "J is for" cRessida, rEd Admiral, wEight. Would prefer 9a to be (1,5) rather than (6) for O'Casey
Very puzzled ! If 23D is SAND (Flowerbed in the desert? 4), how can 27A - Small mostly disgusting beetle (6) be WEEVIL, which is the only thing I can think of (WEE + (E)VIL) Any ideas, please?
Coastal England & Wales, Don't know if I will finish this quiz, need quite a few, from the last page I need help with 66)Somewhere the trout feel safe? (9) 77)French door gets to point at the opening...
help please. I need the collective noun for a number of surveyors. The answer is an 8 letter word asnd contains the letters 'ANT' in that order. I have only ever heard of a chain of surveyors. On a...
Apart from receiving one's tickets by post for an additional charge, is there an alternative when no fast-ticket station is shown as your start point. Presumably you must have a ticket when you set...
Hi folks! I have seen the name of the composer, Mascagni, also written as Lascagli. Why is that? Is it some kind of local Italian variation? I'd be pleased to know Thanks