i have notice some houses with a plastic or pvc edging to their roof tiles (on the side eaves of house) which prevents rainwater from running off the tiles and directs it into the guttering. I am...
23 across gemstones from an amorphous usually iridesent mineral that can be of almost any colour found in igneous rocks and around hot springs 5 letters --a-s
The strangest thing is happening with my UPVC front door lock. I can't lock it (from the inside) after about 10pm at night. Yet I can lock it perfectly well the rest of the day. Has anyone experienced...
I have had a parking ticket for parking in my Gym car park. However the car registration quoted on the ticket is incorect with one letter being different to my registration ie "B" is qouted when the...
HELP!!!!!! last 3 before I can mow the lawn! 16d taking trouble elaborating point (8) -D- - - I- n 21a girl say obtained about a ?1 from one with many tongues (8) _ _ _ _ G_O_ 17d lewd development...
Stuck on last three 8D (5) A fan vandalised one canteen (inits) n?a?i 37A (6) Country lies about capturing centre of Iraq ?s?a?l 41A (7) Written in capitals ?r?n?e? Thanks
7d - Resentful during a move in draughts (2,1,4) I _ , A , _ U _ F - IN A HUFF? If so, can anyone explain why? and the significance of draughts? 26d - Lady dropping a bed (5) _ E _ T _ Thanks in...