NEARLY FINISHED BUT WD LIKE TO CROSSCHECK A COUPLE OF ANSWERS: 2D One performing right inside worshipping, Is this Adoring? ALSO 14a Primary scholar, one in South Carolina - Is this Basic?
as everyone on here posting requests for crossword answers (Im thinking mos in particular as thats the puzzle I do) has full access to the internet , why dont you do a little research and find the...
Evening All, please help me. 19a One giirl playing a Shakesperean role (7) 15a Politician, he included silver for all to see (5) 31a Embittered men in line went first (7) many thanks, the Rioja is...
i think there is a mistake in a question -- of which card game are there contract and auction varieties ?i?d?e the only answer i can come up with is bRidge the letter i comes from "first name of...