Just for interest, is there a beauty product (men and women here) that you buy that's a real bargain, but works better for you than all the expensive named brands? For me, it’s...
Anyone know any UK stockists of Wheels & Dollbaby accessories? Their Australian site does ship to the UK, but thought I would check before I go ahead and pay for shipping...cheers y'all.
hello! I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much it costs for one of these - i have promised myself one if i can give up smoking, provided its not too hideously priced!! (well, for a designer...
I'm currently in India doing the travel thang, and I know I'm not supposed to care about my appearence on such a life changing voyage, but I do!!! My hair has gone not only very brittle but a...
Hello! I have been on the pill 'Dianette' for seven years due to mild acne in my early teens. The other day i went to a different doctor to my usual gp who was horrified i had been on this for so long...
After reading the question posted below, an answer shocked me and now I am intrigued...... Why would falling pregnant on the pill be harmful to the baby? I know on the back of the packet it says...
This is quite embarrasing but I get quite a lot of excess body hair, especially around my chin and on my neck (which i fin dver weird). I dont have a full grown beard of anything but you can see it...