Ok so maybe more a body and soul question, but hey its about xmas too and thought I'd try you lot out. I'm in a dilemma. I have a 'mate' who gradually over the past year we havent really spoken and I...
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion302575.html I posted this some time ago and have managed to remain friends with both and not talked about one to the other. But on Saturday my...
ban the sicko carby that is making jokes over on the news section. Its way too soon. These girls had a family and freinds that could be getting upset by these
Carrying on from stylinsams question what makes you think 'yep its definitely xmas soon'? I was on my way to work this morning and the pogues came on, that's when I know its xmas. Makes me smile :-)
Ok I have been seeing a bloke that I love to bits but he just isn't ready to settle down, he is very muddled and doesn't know who he is, what he wants etc. I have always been a person to stay where I...
When the killers of James Bulger were released they were given a new identity and if I'm right one of them has a child now. I'm not sure whether the mother knows his past. But if you had a child with...
Can anyone tell me what the actress has been in before that played the woman addicted to internet chatrooms lastnight? And if you can help even more, what was her husband in?
Ok so I been very Daring in my questions today because well basically I wanted to know, so how many ABers have got questions they daren't ask hey hey?? and what are they? :-)
Now I may get in trouble for this but I'm gonna ask anyway, and before any homosexuals get on my back I have many gay friends so I'm not meaning to sound stereotypically but I just wondered if there...