Hi I look at you as the animal oracle and wonder if you could recommend a good wormer for Pickles. The tablet ones seem to make her sick within about 30 mins so wonder if there is an altenative? If...
Yeah - I did it in 34 minutes in the hot sun this morning!! Am sunburnt and my legs feel really tired but my dad was smiling down at me feeling pleased I am sure.
Can anyone tell me which is the best exterior wood paint for window frames please? I also need to know which wood stain is the best for the timber cladding on my house. Oh and 1 last question!! Does...
My mum doesnt hear the phone ring so needs some help!! Can anyone recommend where to buy a cordless handset which has a loud ring and an amplifier in the earpiece too so she can hear it ring and hear...
Watched the best of top gear last night - was so funny BUT fell in love with Richard Hammonds dog! Its really cute - does ayone know what it is? Thanks!
Is it necessary and if so, how often? I do it every now and then but noticed there was some brown on the inside of Pickles bottom teeth? Any advice please - thanks.