A young man is invited along to the 75th anniversary dinner of the Joke Club. Once they reach the port and cigars stage, one member takes to his feet and announces "I propose Number 23". The...
Can't get going on NW corner. Help! Across 1 Ship’s described as hollow wreck, so cries loudly (7) 9 Bulb shining, one lit (5) 11 Greeting spoken thus, note, around France and Germany etc? On...
Mrs J (learned my lesson on that one!) is a fanatical shopper, and as she has difficulties walking and carrying anything, someone my size is handy for her to have in tow. She mutters on about getting...
No, not her health - not great, much the same as ever, now that the she no longer has the warming effect of the Egyptian sunshine. Mrs Overall, whose post on my last thread I have now seen, seems to...
I'm signing off for the next few weeks, going to London for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, then off from Gatwick to chase a bit of sunshine. Pity booze is expensive where we're going (Mrs BJ...
I retread the thread this morning, and this time read all the posts. You say the only benefit mic gets is "getting his stamp paid". Is this purely for state pension purposes? If so, would he...
Sorry, folks. Just noticed how my final post of last night reads. The "I've had enough" relates to the drink, not CB. My consumption is usually more moderate. Tiredness and drink led me to...
There was a fairly disappointing response to her suggestion of recasting the Magnificent Seven, I reckon because of the numbers involved (several contributors came up with a couple of names). What if...
I've not been providing answers for very long, but already I'm finding it is almost like a race to get in first, occasionally leading to misleading or near-incomprehensible replies. Seems to me like a...
The traditional response is "Gey few, and they're a' deid". I've only ever to my knowledge (left Scotland as a teenager) seen this in print. Where does the emphasis go in the second part?...
Re : Please Help Me Solve These Cryptic Clues We're all keen to help you get going - Your previous requests were more helpful, showing where blanks occurred. Can I ask you to re-enter the remaining...