This is a great way of seeing how imagination is caught up by reality (and in a couple of cases, is beaten by reality). Enjoy:
Have to say a special THANK YOU to xsticher for those yummy recipes last month and thanks to maggiebee for the humorous poem. March is a tough month, it can be easy to be good in January and February...
We're having to change the HD on the ad sever, it'll probably take an hour. This shouldn't affect your use of the site, but I thought I should let you all know in case anyone notices! Hope you're...
Lovely little story: I always enjoy this kind of stuff because it feels like the beginning of a Sci-fi film - that little flower will be a Triffid by next...
Afternoon, Odd question, and I'm not sure that I've imagined this quite mundane item, but is there such thing as a metal-tubed/framed backpack - the frame seems to be on the part which aligns with the...
Afternoon all, I hope everyone is having a good day today. We've sent out a fresh newsletter today. I hope you find it entertaining, if not in any way useful. If you have any feedback regarding the...
For anyone who has wondered how happy a dog is chasing a ball into the water is, here: http://www.bloodyloud...ography-seth-casteel/ They're particularly funny looking creatures when they've gone...
If you buy an electric car the government will give you a £5K grant towards the cost but with battery charge times long and usage time short, would you consider buying one?