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I've met this guy on a dating app and he asking me this Am finishing analyzing the today's trade hun and which I really want us to be part of it and is something that you will really be proud of... ...
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My 3rd in my new job I had a terrible day was very tired supervisor I was working with was horrible and was giving me a hard time saying I hadn't cleaned properly when I know I did clean them but... ...
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This guy from dogs home said his mate has asked him to go to some pub tomorrow and said I can if I want would it be weird if I went?
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I seen my friend had gone out with one of her friends I know went for coffee today with her I asked her other day was she free and she said no. Would I be overreacting if i messaged her asking why... ...
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Before commenting finance wise I got them all ages even one was 2 years... ...
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abbeylee90   ...
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I just wondered if I should go down dogs home later today so I'm not down there when the man is and I don't have to go to zoo
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I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.
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This guy was om about meeting up with meet up with me tomorrow he wanted to go cinema I said as I haven't met him we don't know if it will work then today he showed a rude pic so not sure what he... ...
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This guy from my voluntary work asked me to go to the pub with him and his mate I don't if it weird sitting with 2 old men or be awkward. I know this may seem strange asking this. 
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abbeylee90 ...
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I do want to do something for beajolious day but this girl who asked me I don't want to go with her on my own she does my head and she's a loose cannon, normally she goes with her sister but don't... ...
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So socail life wise I'm happy just not getting luck dating wise so do I need to go down dogs home less and stop going out with that man down there I do like hanging out with him but think that... ...
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Tom grennan or Manic street preachers 
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Just wondering how do I tell my mum I got another job and the care home dropped my hours
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abbeylee90   ...
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I am going for a trial on Wednesday and I'm on leave from my current job as I had leave to take and haven't had time off since I started. Do I tell them also I got my theory next Monday 
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As it involves bed making which I've never made anyone else bed so different cleaning to what I do now 
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A cleaner in my place was sacked due to not cleaning properly like saying she emptied the bins and they were full but my supervisor said she just left but another cleaner told me she was sacked... ...
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I've been doing driving lessons and my instructor hasn't been reliable and putting me in for days I can't do so I've booked another one but on an app I got it automatically books lessons with my... ...

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