I half heard ( in a Pub ) the REME ( Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers ) referred to as " Creamy RE - ME " . I think it was meant to imply that they had a cushier life than most. I may have...
I have been living with a nasty creased dent in the rear passenger side of my Micra as it is not really economic to repair ( the Book Value is about equivalent to cost of new panel ). Would it be...
I would like to know if it is possible to get proper TV Reception in a Car( for use while parked of course! ) - of course I realise that signal strength varies area to area. Could the frame of...
I wonder how many sayings and / or Jokes become out of date due to changes in the world . A joke my dad used to tell ( often! ) was : Conductor : " Pass farther down the Bus! " Passenger " He's not my...
At the start of the film a couple of Cops are seen in a Car marked " Pursuit " . Much use they are and the Crim gets away - until Max joins in with his " Interceptor " . Why not just make ALL the...
I am in an area where you cannot receive Freeview and was wondering - 1.If the system is being uprated so that everyone can receive it? 2.How quickly the system is being upgraded?
As a postscript to my question on US english usage. Perhaps I am mishearing it but Americans seem to refer to ladies pants/panties as "underwear" - ie " She has a pair of black underwear " . Is this a...
I am always amused to come across the different meanings of words and idiomatic usage between english speakers in the US and the UK - most recently I heard an American commentating on the US Masters...
I have very vague memories of a rather excellent show which went out a few years ago. It was a sort of chat show mixed in with the Arts Review on Newsnight. The other main idea was that two of the...
I watched the Live DVD the other night - I understand that one of the Guitarists left because of a Split with Avril , however anyone know why the other one ( Evan?) left ? I know this is ancient news...
Sorry I have missed most of it so ... 1. Danny Foster is presumably a substitute - how did the other fella get injured? 2. I've seen pics of someone performing in a yellow leotard in the Gymnastics -...
I was listening to " Round the Horne " on CD - its amazing how little it has dated. I was trying to remember the adverts they spoofed ( Strand Cigarettes , Slimcea etc ) and the one that i didn't...
A particular American expression of derision is to call someone a Pantywaist. It is always an insult to Men and I think it is similar in meaning to Nerd . Anyone else heard of this expression and its...
A TV magazine has written that following the succesful relaunch of Captain Scarlet in Computer Generated Form , Gerry Anderson is developing a Thunderbirds CGI Project. I would like to believe it but...
This is one for Talksport Listeners. I learned that Tony Cascarino had left permanently (about 2 weeks ago ?) under less than happy circumstances. I have been out of touch with this story , so does...