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I am a single mum with a 16month old boy who has a temper on him, when i am trying to get him dressed he throws his head back and arches his head back.  It can get very stessful...
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I am a singlemum studying health and social care at college at the moment I am researchin ght ereasons why teenagers smoke under the legal age.  Has anyone got children who smoke? do you know why...
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OK, I'm bored at work today...and I always like to vent about my biggest pet peeves... (in other words: little, pety things that bug you, drive you crazy, & make you mad)... some of mine.... 1....
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Just wondered what everyone is reading at the moment. I've just started 'Ressurection Men' by Ian Rankin. Haven't read a Rebus for a couple of years and had forgotten how good they are.
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silly moo
Went out for a quick drink last night about 10 ish. There were 2 children (10 yrs about) in pub till 10:50 pm. What do others think about this? Poor parenting or am I just terriblt old fashioned?
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I noticed Bob's question below, and it reminded me of an incident a week or two ago. A friend used my toilet for a number two and complained that there were only 3 squares of loo role left. It was...
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Hi i have a 7 yr old son with Autism, Adhd and Tourettes and challenging behaviour and also a 13 yr old Moody kevin! lol.  I have a new partner who has taken us all on. I think he's great as do...
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My dog has been really ill recently and the cause is a bit of a mystery. The vet asked if she could have eaten or been exposed to anything odd. We have recently moved to the country and I have found a...
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This has happened to me a lot lately. I'd go out, meet a woman, get on great with her, she would give me her phone number, I would then call a day or two later and she doesn't answer and doesn't...
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I watched a programme on BBC2 last night called 'Blame the parents' and quite frankly, according to what i saw last night, i do ! How can the parents possibly expect thier children to be nice...
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My son (nearly 8 months old) will not drink out of a trainer cup or beaker only a bottle. I have recently started giving him baby fruit juice with his lunch but he will only drink it out of his...
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Top totty
I was watching the Jamie Oliver food programme last night and could have cried. It was so very depressing to see what food is served to our children at school and in the home. It proved many things to...

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